
Genug der Jahresbilanzen, Feiertage und Sonderwochen! Golden Glades ist zurück im Steinbruch des Tagesgeschäfts. Frische Musik will ans Licht gefördert und von allen Seiten durchleuchtet werden. Gnadenlos aussortieren und rückhaltlos loben, damit wollen wir nun fortfahren. Vielen Dank für die Kenntnisnahme.

Tagesgeschäft war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 22.01.25 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 23.01. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 25.01. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Saint EtienneHalf LightHeavenly Recordings
No FrillsShopping In The Toothpaste AisleWe Are Busy Bodies
Dorothea PaasNo MetaphorTelephone Explosion
Dana GavanskiBusiness of the AttitudeFull Time Hobby
TunngEverything ElseFull Time Hobby
citron citronBazar tout nuBongo Joe
Daga VoladoraLejos de la multitudLovemonk
Artificial GoWalk like a DogFeel It / Future Shock
Jack Erin BrownCode GreyNudie Rec. / Tunnel Rec.
Dislocation DanceRoad To HappinessMarina Records
The MuldoonsGone Too FarLast Night From Glasgow
Good WilsonI Let Time TellMorinoko
Carolina LeeIf I TryMarzipan Records
Darren HanlonGood Vibrationdarrenhanlon.bandcamp.com
Snowy BandLooking BackBlossom Rot Records
FellThe ReturnLost Map
good flying birdsi care for youRotten Apple
RyliI Think I Need You AroundDandy Boy Records
Chime SchoolMercury GirlDandy Boy Records
CandymouseAre You Our Missing Idiot?Old Bad Habits
CandymouseLast Of The True BelieversOld Bad Habits
The Burning HellBottle of Chianti, Cheese and Charcuterie BoardYou've Changed Rec./BB*Island
Laundromat ChicksSecretsSiluh
Prism ShoresHolding PatternMeritorio
DropkickPrimary Colours Bobo Integral
AssistantSong For JilSubjangle
Helen McCookerybookReaching For HopeTiny Global
Awkward iChilly Walks Home Excelsior Recordings
Minta & The Brook TroutRandom Informationminta.bandcamp.com
Dean WarehamYou Were the Ones I Had to BetrayCarpark
The Gentle SpringI Can't Have You As A FriendSkep Wax
Sure SureFriends From The PastSure Sure

10 Albums of 2024

As the year draws to an end, it’s the perfect time to look back and reflect: Was it a good year for independent music?

Record sales have dropped down again. And going on tour has become even more critical. Marker Starling / Eliza Niemi, for example, put on an outstanding live performance in Hamburg. The audience was very engaged, but far too small to cover all the costs of the wonderful evening. Of course, the big players are doing well. Ticket prices are constantly rising. And you wonder why? Because they can.

Here’s an example: a friend’s band was asked to support a well-known indie act for a couple of concerts. We’re talking about large venues here with a capacity of around 10,000 people. It looks like a good opportunity and nice gesture. But my friend’s band was not allowed to use the headliner’s sound system. Ergo, they had to rent extra equipment for a lot of money for each show to play a 40-minute support slot. The headliner cashed in for the extra sound system. But in the end, it is you, dear music fan, who pays for this kind of extravagance.

Bigger acts can simply afford it, while for most indie artists touring is riskier than ever. After the pandemic, the music industry has experienced severe inflation. Even well-attended concerts barely make a return on investment. And the music? I’d say it’s not getting any better in this precarious situation. Nevertheless, here are some of my favorite albums of 2024.

22° Halo – „Lily Of The Valley“

The most beautiful music often sounds bitter and sweet at the same time. And that is definitely the case with 22° Halo. On his latest album, Will Kennedy sings about his wife’s cancer diagnosis – in a touching, not just despairing way. The hopeful, shimmering guitar tones run like a thread through Lily Of The Valley. It is a beautiful, sensitive work of art that I enjoy listening to again and again.


Yea-Ming And The Rumours – „I Can’t Have It All“

Yea-Ming and The Rumours hail from the US West Coast and release their music on the fabulous label Dandy Boy Records. Singer- and songwriter Yea-Ming Chen knows that a broken heart can still be a good source of inspiration. The album I Can’t Have It All is full of melancholic stories and was mostly recorded and produced in Yea-Ming Chen’s own home studio. I just love the sound and honesty of her songs.


Jane Weaver – „Love In Constant Spectacle“

She is highly regarded as a songwriter and performer – but I’m still amazed that Jane Weaver doesn’t get the full recognition she deserves. This album was produced by John Parish, who has done good work with other female artists. Although I think Weaver knows exactly what kind of music she wants to make. She writes poetic melodies that flourish and delve into different avant-pop directions that you can either dream or dance to. It is a strong, experimental, but also an intimate album.


House Of Zen – „House Of Zen“

It’s not that often that I fall in love with music from my hometown of Hamburg. House of Zen is a new band, but not entirely: about a decade ago, the same people played and released fine material under the name Mountaineer. I like the fragile, softly flowing arrangements. Songwriter Henning Wandhoff sings and plays drums, while my favorite drummer Fiona McKenzie gently strums the guitar and Anna Bertermann delivers her sublime bass playing. The whole thing is rounded off by the classical guitar style of Alexander Rischer and some atmospheric textures from Andreas Voss. Together as House of Zen they create great songs with timeless quality. Please give it a go.


Mary Timony – „Untame The Tiger“

With her band Helium In the 90s, she was one of my heroes. Mary Timony was always cool and extraordinary and provided some new sounds for my ears. She likes heavy metal as much as medieval lute and provided further records over the years with bands like Wild Flag and Ex-Hex. I’m glad she’s back with another solo record after 15 years, because this is one of her best works to date. Although made in hard times, Untame the Tiger is an unsentimental record and everything just sounds right: the straightforward arrangements, her exceptional guitar work and the direct lyrics. After all those years, Mary Timony is still my heroine.


Dorothea Paas – „Think Of Mist“

Dorothea Paas‘ new album is simply stunning. It’s reminiscent of 70s folk, but with many more layers and nuances. She describes her music as avant-light, and that’s a good way to describe her songwriting, because it’s so complex and constantly evolving, but still very soothing and easy to listen to. Think of Mist is a beautiful and gentle record full of surprises.


Real Estate – „Daniel“

Sure, they are well respected for their mellow guitar pop, which is very consistent but never really surprises. There’s a strong sense of nostalgia here, and I think the sixth studio album Daniel is one of the highlights of Real Estate’s career. They’ve simply gotten better with age and experience. The music is not attention-grabbing, but it’s easy to connect with the songs immediately spacious recordings emphasize the feeling of comfort. I think they deserve some praise for that.


Margaux – „Inside The Marble“

Margaux is one of the new discoveries of the year. Inside the Marble is a strong debut that ranges from acoustic folk to textured synths. Initially, the Seattle-born songwriter Margaux Bouchegnies studied jazz, then switched to poetry. And she says that this has absolutely changed her songwriting. That she has found new ways to talk about things. And it’s a pleasure to listen to her hazy, dreamlike and melancholy themes.


Way Dynamic – „Duck“

Dylan Young is such a talented musician and producer who is absolutely humble when you meet him in person. He’s also a great songwriter and has a wry sense of humor. On his second album Duck, a beautiful palette of sounds and melodies collide with absurdities. This oddball pop from Melbourne has something of a lost Beach Boys vibe. Co-produced by Stefan Blair, who delivered another good album this year with his band Good Morning.


Raoul Vignal – „Shadow Bands“

I must admit: It’s not my favorite album by Vignal, but it’s still a very strong selection of songs. On Shadow Bands, the singer/songwriter from France has expanded his sound with delicate synth work and classical instruments. If there is an expectation, then it is partly fulfilled, but also not. Because there are several twists and turns in Raoul Vignal’s music. His songs are less predictable than those of other folky acts. His fingerpicking acoustic guitar arpeggios are still sublime, and his gentle vocals convey quiet emotion in a very subtle and touching way.


Finally, here’s a playlist with much more music to discover. Please don’t forget to support the artists you love!



Bitter und süß

Die schönste Musik klingt doch oft bitter und süß zugleich. Dies gilt aktuell in besonderem Maße für 22° Halo. Will Kennedy aus Philadelphia besingt auf seinem neuen Album die Krebserkrankung seiner Frau – in einem berührenden, durchaus nicht nur verzweifelten Sound. Schimmernd wie die Hoffnung ziehen sich Gitarren-Obertöne als Leitmotiv durch «Lilly of the Valley». Ebenfalls traurig und schön: die neuen Alben von Myriam Gendron, Dorothea Paas und The Magic Lantern.

Bitter und süß war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 27.11.24 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 28.11. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 30.11. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

22° HaloOrioles at DuskTiny Library
Phoebe RingsDaisyCarpark
SubaquaWindow HopRed Brick
Muddy MonkChaki QueenHalf Awake
JunioreMéditerranéeLe Phonographe
Alex PesterAnnabelleself-released
The Magic LanternTwo in One Hectic Eclectic / La Buissonne
Snowy BandTouch TypeBlossom Rot Records
Pop FilterExactly Where I Want to BeBobo Integral / Osborne Again
Pleasant MobCeramic SockInscrutable Records
Drench FriesIn The Weedsdrenchfries.bandcamp.com
Luke TempleSandy's DeadWestern Vinyl
Myriam GendronLong Way HomeThrill Jockey / Feeding Tube
Myriam GendronLook Down That Lonesome RoadThrill Jockey / Feeding Tube
Hiro AmaEverything Is Going to Make Sense in the EndPRAH Recordings
Geoffrey O'ConnorI Love What We DoDinosaur City
Crayon FieldsTake Me Where The Light Isn't CruelChapter
22° HaloCobwebsTiny Library
22° HaloBird-SanctuaryTiny Library
Niall SummertonTear Me ApartTiny Library
The ChicanesFurther ThoughtsCherry Red
BoyracerSalt On My TongueEmotional Response / Jigsaw
Laughing ChimesHigh BeamsSlumberland
SoftlanderProfessional GhostOh, Sister Records
RahillSunSub Pop
Frankie Cosmos and Good MorningTake a PictureSub Pop
Dorothea PaasDiverTelephone Explosion
Dorothea PaasWhatever That MeansTelephone Explosion
NazzIt's Not That EasySGC
Nap EyesEight Tired StarlingsParadise of Bachelors/Paper Bag
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