
Sich zum Jahresende mit einem schnöden Rückblick aufzuhalten, dafür bleibt diesmal keine Zeit: Zu viele Anwärter stehen Schlange, um sich bei Golden Glades noch schnell die verdiente Aufmerksamkeit einzuholen. Für einen fulminanten Jahresausklang 2017 sorgen in der heutigen Ausgabe Usselman, Nicholas Krgovich und SISTERS.

Diese Sendung ist zu hören am Mittwoch, den 20.12.17 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.
Wdh.: Samstag, 23.12. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr & Montag, 25.12. von 08:00-10:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


So Many MountainsVery Quiet Splashsomanymountains.bandcamp.com
UsselmanTongue TiedBlow Up Records
HeatersKingsdayBeyond Beyond is Beyond
The Legendary LightnessOh How She SwaysRonin Rhythm Records
The 23rd Turn OffMichael AngeloDeram Records
Lake RuthThe Great Selkietheactivelistener.bandcamp.com
Max GowanNursing HomeZ Tapes
Cool AmericanGreat at PartiesTopshelf Records
State BroadcastersAll Our Christmas DaysOlive Grove
The Spirit Of The BeehiveCops Come LookingTiny Engines
Linda PerhacsParallelogramsSunbeam Records
Tony, Caro & JohnEclipse Of The MoonTapete
Clear LightHow Many Days Have PassedElektra
Simon JoynerI'll Fly AwayBB*Island
Jon Cohen ExperimentalSun SalutationsSugar Gator Records
OmniEquestrianTrouble In Mind
CanariRangi Hotelsouterraine.biz
Okay MondayEverybody Lies62TV
The Tourist CompanyPedestalsDevil Duck
Alien StadiumThis One's For The HumansDouble Six
TelemanNights On EarthMoshi Moshi
SISTERSScene HereTender Loving Empire
CorridorDu Moyen Age a l'age moyenRequiem Pour Un Twister
Corridor & Halo MaudDeux coeurscorridormtl.bandcamp.com
Nick J.D. HodgsonSuitablePrediction Records
AmbulanceMurphy's LawBulbart
Mo KenneyUngluedturtlemusic / Rough Trade
Nicholas KrgovichParadeTin Angel Records
Mile Me DeafLight Ltd.Siluh Records
Remington Super 60Another Christmas SongCafe Superstar recordings

From Fear To Hope

Heute gibt es bei Golden Glades Musik zu den Themen Furcht, Zweifel und … Hoffnung. Die Verlustangst wird besungen, die Krise verflucht, das Dasein als schändlich gescholten. Und doch geht es immer auch um das Licht am Ende des Tunnels, denn was wäre Popmusik ohne Aussicht auf Erlösung?! Sandra Zettpunkt hat einen düster glitzernden Topf wohlklingender Beispiele für euch zusammengerührt.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 06.12.17 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.
Wdh.: Samstag, 09.12. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr & Montag, 11.12. von 08:00-10:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


Toro y MoiGirl Like YouCarpark
Darvid ThorRest Of Your Lifedarvidthor.bandcamp.com
JontiSleeping and FallingStones Throw
Faith HealerTry 😉Mint Rec.
The Magic LanternHolding Handsthemagiclantern.bandcamp.com
This Is the KitBullet ProofRough Trade
Little TornadosI DisappearRiver Jones Music
Caroline SaysMy Fiance's Petscarolinesays.bandcamp.com
Paul CherryLike Yesterdaypaulcherry.bandcamp.com
FloristThe Fear of Losing ThisDouble Double Whammy
Angelo De AugustineTruly GoneAsthmatic Kitty
BibioCapel BethaniaWarp
The Black PineWavestheblackpine.bandcamp.com
SlumbersDoboom Soomslumbers.bandcamp.com
The Soda StreamLet You DownOff Ya Tree
Spinning CoinMetronome RiverGeographic
Field MusicCount It UpMemphis Industries
Marker StarlingStrong SuitTin Angel Records
Wesley FullerMiranda Says1965 Records
Icy DemonsPower Treesgriffinrodriguez.bandcamp.com
Gil HockmanUntitledshop.gilhockman.com
VagabonFear & ForceFather/Daughter
Rocky WoodBail OutOn The Camper
CorridorL'espoir sans finRequiem Pour Un Twister
CrepesMild ConversationDeaf Ambitions
Lowland HumPalm LinesGreywood Records
Soft FangsFolk GuitarDisposable America
French For RabbitsIt Will Be OkayLefse

Best of 2017

Here I am, doing it all wrong again by releasing my Best of 2017 list way before Xmas. Every year it shows, that I discover fabulous artists with some delay and I feel sorry these albums are missing the list, only because I wasn’t quick enough! Like in 2016, I failed to mention these excellent records:

Merk: Swordfish (self-released)
Snails: Safe in Silence (Fearl Child Records)
Minta & The Brook Trout: Slow (NorteSul)
CaStLeS: Foresteering (Hafod Mastering)
Ben Reed: Station Masters (Gare Du Nord)

If you haven’t heard of any of those artists, please check them out!

And here they are, the winners of the 2017 Golden Glades award:


Corridor: Supermercado (Requiem Pour Un Twister)
Mauno: Tuning (Tin Angel)
This Is the Kit: Moonshine Freeze (Rough Trade)
Brent Cash: The New High (Marina Records)
Raoul Vignal: The Silver Veil (Talitres)
The Parson Red Heads: Blurred Harmony (Fluff and Gravy)
Crepes: Channel Four (Deaf Ambition)
Sweet Baboo: Wild Imagination (Moshi Moshi)
Andrew Taylor: From The Outside Looking In (Rock Indiana)
Hand Habits: Wildly Idle (Humble Before The Void) (Woodsist)
Omni: Multi-Task (Trouble In Mind)
Faith Healer: Try (Mint Records)
Balduin: Bohemian Garden (self-released)
The Proper Ornaments: Foxhole (Tough Love)
Travis Bretzer: Bubble Gum (Human Sounds)
Baby Island: Break the Lease (Hello Records)
Human Heat: All Is Too Much (Offline Records)
Midnight Sister: Saturn Over Sunset (Jagjaguwar)

Of course this list is a purely subjective affair, but if you feel like I missed a highlight, please let me know!!

Also worth checking out: the voting of my ByteFM colleagues
best songs & best album

Teen Edition

Es ist wieder an der Zeit für die jährliche Moderation des Golden Glades-Juniors, heuer erstmals als Teen Edition. Jon Schoon hat allerhand Musik zusammengetragen, die nur in wenigen (und gut begründeten) Ausnahmefällen von Sandra Zettpunkt zensiert werden musste. Entsprechend gibt es in dieser Ausgabe mehr schnelle Wortfolgen im Sprechtext zu hören, mehr dicke Rhythmen, einfach mehr des überprallen Daseins als sonst bei Golden Glades üblich. Parental Advisory: explicit lyrics.



LCD SoundsystemDisco InfiltratorDFA
EminemLose YourselfAftermath/Interscope
Zack VillereCoolaritech
Johnny MauserJe Ne Sais PasAudiolith
The RaptureEchoesDFA
Kendrick LamarDNA.Aftermath/Interscope
Die Goldenen ZitronenBlo§ Weil Ich FriereBuback TontrŠger
The Make-UpUntouchable SoundK Records
Legendary Stardust CowboyParalyzedCherry Red
Napoleon XIVThey're Coming To Take Me Away Ha-Haaa!Smith & Co.
Flight Of The ConchordsHurt FeelingsSub Pop
KaterineSexy CoolBarclay
Funf Sterne DeluxeLachboleroWarner
Cool CompanyCall You Back (feat. Haley Dekle)coolcompany.bandcamp.com
Depeche ModeEverything CountsMute
Foster The PeoplePumped Up KicksSony
Manfred GrooveHandinniluffRummelplatzmusik
Holy OystersJust So You KnowDistiller Music
John MausTouchdownRibbon
QuindarTwin-Pole Sunshade for Rusty SchweikartButterscotch Records
Fünf Sterne DeluxeMoin Bumm TschackWarner
Imagine DragonsBelieverInterscope
Teenage FanclubThe ConceptCreation
Käptn Peng & Die Tentakel Von DelphiWobWobWobKreismusik
Macklemore & Ryan LewisThrift Shop (feat. Wanz)Macklemore
Pattern LanguageSquaresvilleHappy Robots
Hologram TeenTracksuit MinotaurPolytechnic Youth
John CarpenterHalloweenSacred Bones
Missy ElliottGet Ur Freak OnElektra
Salt-N-PepaLet's Talk About SexLondon Records
De La SoulBuddyTommy Boy
Mos DefMs. Fat BootyRawkus
Phantom HorseKlein SurfaceUmor Rex


Heute kümmern wir uns um Musik, die sich aus dem Baukasten der Geschichte bedient. Die Vorstellung, dass sich nichts Neues mehr erfinden ließe, weil alles schon einmal da gewesen sei, stammt aus den 1970er Jahren und ist damit selbst schon wieder historisch. Trotzdem haben wir es derzeit wieder mit Musik voller Zitate und Referenzen zu tun – Golden Glades sucht sie aus und spielt sie ab, ohne gleich eine Theorie daraus bauen zu wollen.



Insecure MenSubaru NightFat Possum
Buffalo KillersEvil ThoughtsAlive
Bed RugsDriftWaste My Records
My Sad CaptainsEverything At The End Of EverythingBella Union
The Soda StreamNot In TimeOff Ya Tree
The SeamsLemonadeHand Drawn Dracula
MirahThe LightAbsolute Magnitude
ILKSalty WeatherAccidental
MaunoHandTin Angel Records
Seamus FogartyHeels Over HeadDomino
Peter OrenBurden Of ProofWestern Vinyl
Simon JoynerEarthquakeBB*Island
Chain & the GangExperimental MusicRadical Elite Records
The Go! TeamSemicircle SongMemphis Industries
Fitness ForeverArbre Magique (Feat. Juniore)Elefant
Greek TheatrePaper MoonSugarbush Records
The SmokeOdysseySidewalk
The Lemon TwigsWhy Didn't You Say That?4AD
EndzThe Well62TV
CorridorCoup d'epeeRequiem Pour Un Twister
OmniSouthbound StationTrouble In Mind
AquasergeTour Du MondeCrammed Discs
Acid Baby JesusLilac DaysFuzz Club
Melt MountainSaturdaysInner Ear Records
Midnight SisterShimmyJagjaguwar
Hologram TeenBartok in CPolytechnic Youth
FrancobolloUSOSquare Leg
Soft PeopleAmerican Mansoftpeople.bandcamp.com
PalehoundSilver ToasterSydvolio Records

Grant und Ich

„Wir erschufen das Romantischste, was zwei heterosexuelle Männer zusammen erschaffen können: eine Popgruppe.“


Mit diesem schönen Statement endet Robert Forsters Autobiografie. In Grant und Ich blickt er zurück auf die wechselhafte Karriere seiner Band The Go-Betweens, die in drei Dekaden zwar keinen echten Hit, aber doch großen Einfluss auf die Indiepop-Geschichte hatte. Forsters und Grant McLennans außergewöhnliche Geschichte bestimmt die erste Hälfte der heutigen Golden Glades-Ausgabe. Die zweite Stunde ist für weitere Songwriter-Partnerschaften reserviert, denn in kaum einer anderen Kunstform gibt es sowas: zwei Charaktere, die sich aneinander abarbeiten, sich ergänzen, konkurrenzieren und sich zuweilen sogar symbiotisch verbinden.


The Go-BetweensBorn To A FamilyLo-Max Records
The Velvet UndergroundStephanie SaysVerve
The Go-BetweensKarenDomino
Orange JuiceFalling And LaughingPolydor
The Go-BetweensI Need Two HeadsDomino
The Go-BetweensHammer The HammerDomino
The Go-BetweensCattle and CaneDomino
The SmithsWilliam, It Was Really NothingWea
The Go-BetweensBye Bye PrideDomino
The Go-BetweensLove Goes On!Beggars Banquet
The Go-BetweensGoing BlindClearspot
The Go-BetweensFinding YouLo-Max Records
The Go-BetweensToo Much of One ThingClearspot
The Burning HellCanadian WineBB*Island
The BeatlesGetting BetterEMI
Big StarWatch The SunriseArdent Music
Hüsker DüDon't Want to Know If You Are LonelyWarner
Courtney Barnett & Kurt VileLet It GoMarathon Artists
TERRYHeavin' HeaviesUpset The Rhythm
Lowland HumFolded FlowersGreywood Records
The SaxophonesThe Saxophones - AlohaFull Time Hobby
Spirit FestRiver RiverMorr Music
Eric & MagillIn Our BubblesSilver Side Production
Allred & BroderickRobert, PleaseErased Tapes
Midnight SisterLeave YouJagjaguwar
The New YearMaydayGrand Hotel Van Cleef

Indian Summer

Die Jahreszeit gab eine treffliche Vorlage, denn goldene Lichtungen finden sich gerade und vornehmlich in freundlichen Herbstmomenten. Der Indian Summer – kristallblauer Himmel, Blätter in dramatischem Bordeaux – lässt sich zum Glück nicht nur in Neuengland, sondern auch anderswo bewundern. So lag es nahe, ein paar lichtdurchflutete Musikeinlagen zu sichten und sorgsam zu sortieren. Voilà, in der heutigen Sendung erleuchten Painted Hills, Aquaserge und Minimum Chips.



Soy ChristmasOh Nosoyxmas.bandcamp.com
SobsGirlMiddle Class Cigars
Beachwood SparksSomething I Don't RecognizeSub Pop
Painted HillsKaleidoscope EyesParasol
GospelbeacHIn the DesertAlive Records
Sandy RealmsLocal Godssandyrealms.bandcamp.com
Minimum ChipsKnow You Too WellChapter Music
AquasergeSi Loin, Si ProcheCrammed Discs
Hologram TeenMagique AfriquePolytechnic Youth
Antoine DiligentReasonsX Off Records
Dent MayAcross the MultiverseCarpark
Ty SegallAltaDrag City
Faith HealerWaitingMint Rec.
Swimming TapesWhat's On Your MindHand In Hive
The ClienteleThe NeighbourTapete
Happy DaggerIndian Summerxhappydaggerx.bandcamp.com
Shake Some Action!Waiting For The Sunshakesomeaction.bandcamp.com
Lina TullgrenAsktellCaptured Tracks
Jack CooperOn a Pier in the WindTrouble In Mind
This Is the KitBy My Demon EyeRough Trade
MaunoAnything AnymoreTin Angel Records
WeavesWalkawayMemphis Industries
Ted LeoUsed to BelieveSuperEgo Records
Black TailSleepy VolcanoLady Sometimes
The Burning HellNurse & PatientBB*Island
Taylor KnoxLove Love LoveCadence Music
Ralegh LongSleeping On My DreamsMake It New Records
DartoCharacter StudyAagoo Records
The SeamsRememberance DayHand Drawn Dracula

Reeperbahn Festival 2017

Reeperbahn Festival 2017

When the Reeperbahn Festival first started in 2006, I was actually part of the line-up with my band Kajak. And it was quite interesting for us to play, because it was not a common local gig: we played in Angie’s Night Club – a glamorous venue I never set foot in before. And during the show was not a single familiar face in the crowd. For me it felt like playing on a different planet, although my apartment was about 100m down the road.

To be honest: back then I never thought the fairly ambitious concept would work out, trying to establish a hybrid of conference and music shows on an international level, like a German version of everyone’s festival darling SXSW. But obviously, I was wrong! The Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg grew steadily and by now is well known as Europe’s largest club festival. This year’s 12th edition set a spotlight on up-and-coming bands and artists from all over the world, and I was very curious to check some of them out during the four festival days in late September. Here’s what I like to share with you:

Mo Kenney

Canada is currently celebrating the 150th anniversary of its confederation and it was a smart move from the festival to set a focus on to this country, because it has a thriving music scene and lots of interesting acts to offer. Like Mo Kenney for instance: She and her comrades played a pretty tight and catchy power-pop set in the early afternoon. There were feet tapping and heads nodding across the room while Mo Kenney moved through her tunes with a certain easiness – I only wish she played a few more songs!


Next up was Mauno (see photo), also a band hailing from Nova Scotia. I set my golden ears on this act in 2015 when they released a batch of very first demo songs via Bandcamp and since that time the Canadian quartet defined a remarkable sound of their own: complex, but with a great sensibility for pop and dynamics. Initial sound problems plagued Mauno’s set as the power supply went off several times. And I’ve seen other bands getting nervous or angry about these kind of technical issues, but not here: Mauno didn’t mind to improvise, it’s part of their music and they handled the situation like experts: “The power’s telling us a lesson” said singer/guitarist Nick Everett at one point. “If you have power, use it wisely” – true words. In the end, they managed to play an elegant set of deconstructing pop with just the right amount of haunting intimacy. Watch out for their new album  “Tuning”, to be released in October.


After this first highlight it was time to hook up with my friend and colleague Alice Peters-Burns. If you’re not already familiar with her, please tune into her radio show Kaleidoskop on ByteFM or Offbeat via NovumFM. As well, she runs a fabulous blog where she features music off the beaten track.

The first thing we witnessed in the eve was a new thing called Superorganism. The word is that this group comprised of eight members from all over the world and is fronted by a 17-year-old Japanese girl from Maine. Smells a bit like the next big thing? Well, Superorganism just got signed to Domino Records and here at the Reeperbahn Festival they were thrown in at the deep end by playing their very first live show in one of the bigger venues in town – and I can report: they didn’t sink, they did a pretty good job! If you’re a fan of infectious electropop tunes, you might love this buzz band Superorganism. Supported by visuals, playback und three punchy background singer/dancer, the show was colorful fun from start to finish.

King Creosote

Alice and I floated on to King Creosote at the Imperial Theater. Here it was more than suitable to sit down in fluffy chairs while listening to the bard of Fife alias King Creosote who apparently, just shaved his head completely bald. Furthermore, his music was stripped down to a solo performance with acoustic guitar and voice only. He played a bunch of honest and wistful folksongs with lovely banter in between – all this worked well for King Creosote.

Jane Weaver

Quite interesting was the response to Jane Weaver’s show late at night: some people grooved along to the music, others just closed their eyes to get lost in it. And both was fine. The elusive songwriter’s been making music for 20 years now and her latest release Modern Kosmology was an ambitious piece of unearthly psyche-pop and futurism. Surrounded on stage by a tight backing band with Kraftwerkian beats and analog sci-fi sounds, Jane Weaver had enough freedom to present her pop gestures in the likes of Kate Bush. It was a performance you don’t see very often these days and I was surprised, the club was not completely packed with people. Hopefully next time.

Marika Hackman

The other night Marika Hackman rocked out with her band on quite a different level: no fancy dress or make-up like Jane Weaver, only basic t-shirts and simple hairstyles. But it fit perfectly to the 90ties inspired American slackersound she played, some of them in the spirit of Nirvana’s softer side. But still, the live sound was heavy enough to move and bob along with the songs, and especially the fan crowed upfront was really into it.

All We Are

Later on, the stage was invaded by All We Are, a trio based in Liverpool. I never really liked their records, but my friends Alice knew better as she met the band before. And indeed: the live sound was filled with energy and catchy hook lines. And I quite enjoyed the fact, that the drummer stood while playing. All We Are delivered top notch festival entertainment, although I left with a feeling that they were trying a little too hard to please everyone.


Probably the best thing about visiting the Reeperbahn Festival is simply drifting along. All (70+) venues are within walking distance and there’s a lot of great stuff to discover. Of course, the schedule was packed and I missed quite a few acts I badly wanted to see. But as well I popped into unknown shows and made completely new discoveries. Thanks to that I fell in love with a French group named Aquaserge: they were mind-blewing! With five performers dressed in costumes, Aquaserge delivered a hypnotic show with analog keys and (bass-)clarinet. Lots of effect pedals served the psychedelic paradigm and when the polyphonic voices came into the mix, it felt like they’ve found the sixth sense of music. Imagine Stereolab with Tortoise as experimental jazzy shapeshifters, you may get an idea, what Aquaserge is about.

Thank you, #RBF17, for putting on this great discovery and all the other fabulous artists. See next year at #RBF18!


On Tape

Vor 54 Jahren wurde die Musikkassette erfunden, um die Jahrtausendwende verschwand sie fast komplett vom Markt und feiert nun als Liebhaberprojekt ein rauschendes Comeback. Golden Glades wird heute aber nicht etwa die Zeit zurückspulen, sondern ganz viel aktuelle Musik abspielen, die derzeit On Tape zu haben ist, u.a. von Deerhoof, Alvvays und LAPD.



The Pooh SticksOn TapeCherry Red
Caroline SaysWinter Is ColdWestern Vinyl
Shelf LifeMortal Bus BoyYellow K Records
AlvvaysNot My BabyTransgressive Records
generifusNew Cargenerifus.bandcamp.com
VansireEleven WeeksSpirit Goth Records
The EverywheresSagittariustheeverywheres.bandcamp.com
DeerhoofCon SordinoJoyful Noise
Kane StrangTwo Hearts and No BrainDead Oceans
GRNDMSWhite Hot MessFox Food Records
SlumbersBattleSports Day Records
BoyscottKiller Whaleboyscott.bandcamp.com
My Teenage StrideChristopher ComeUnblinking Ear Records
Plates of CakeJudge On HolidayUnblinking Ear Records
Good MorningOnce You KnowBedroom Suck Records
PoppiesDumb AdviceTopshelf Records
Travis BretzerHistory RepeatsHuman Sounds
Small WonderWind Let LooseGold Flake Tapes
Pickle DarlingChomsky's SweaterZ Tapes
In Love With A GhostI Was Feeling DownƒZ Tapes
motion.ExplanationsHaju Tapes
Human HeatI Need My SpaceOffline Records
Los Angeles Police DepartmentGrownAnti-
Sunshine FacesMore Than ScienceTemporary Enjoyment
Heaven For RealSubliminalheavenforreal.bandcamp.com
Baby IslandMercury LifeHello Records
WwomanWaste Our Summerrealwwoman.bandcamp.com
GobbinjrDon'tchya KnoYellow K Records
KiDDLittle LucyBarnes Society
Adrian Teacher and the SubsCash for GoldCity Beautiful Records
Dana GavanskiHow Long Has It Been?Fox Food Records
Griffin RodriguezEmmanueleCimiotti Tapes

More Music More Happy

Das Motto der heutigen Ausgabe sah ich unlängst in einem Winterthurer Schaufenster, und es stimmt ja ohne Frage: Musik hat einen ungeheuren Einfluss auf unsere Stimmung. Selbst Landwirte drehen im Stall die Lautsprecher auf, damit die Kühe glücklicher sind und – so das perfide Kalkül – die Milch zügiger fließe. Glückseligkeit ohne Produktionszwang winkt all denen, die heute Golden Glades einschalten. Unter anderem gibt’s einen ausführlichen Ausblick auf das kommende Reeperbahnfestival sowie neue Musik lebensfroher Zeitgenossen wie Alvvays, Ariel Pink und Lee Ranaldo.


Aunt SisFastest AnimalSorry Records
Human HeatBest For YouOffline Records
Abram ShookNo ReturnWestern Vinyl
Archer PrewittO, KYThrill Jockey
AlvvaysPlimsoll PunksTransgressive Records
No MenPart Time PunksBeautiful Music
Ariel PinkDedicated To Bobby JamesonKemado
Bobby JamesonCandy Colored DragonVerve
MunicipalityRemnantsHuman Sounds
Travis BretzerEvergreenHuman Sounds
Tandem FelixWere You Theretandemfelix.bandcamp.com
Lord YouthParable BluesBB*Island
Caroline SaysGod KnowsWestern Vinyl
unhappybirthdayHimitsuWave Tension Records
Griffin RodriguezCandyCimiotti Tapes
The Parson Red HeadsTime After TimeYou Are The Cosmos
Jon Cohen ExperimentalFeed On MeSugar Gator Records
MaunoHow LongTin Angel Records
Owen PallettOn A PathDomino
SuperorganismSomething For Your M.I.N.D.Domino
King CreosoteLove LifeDomino
This Is the KitMoonshine FreezeRough Trade
Marika HackmanRound We GoSub Pop
Jane WeaverDid You See Butterflies?Fire Records
Nadine ShahPlace Like This1965 Records
Jen CloherForgot MyselfMarathon Artists
Lee RanaldoCircular (Right As Rain)Mute
The Babe RainbowPeace Blossom BoogyFlightless
Angelo De AugustineFadeAsthmatic Kitty
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