Unter dem Radar

Eine der selbstgestellten Aufgaben dieser Sendereihe besteht ja darin, einem gutwilligen Publikum bislang Überhörtes zuzuführen. Um es mit einer möglichst schiefen Metapher zu sagen: den Suchscheinwerfer auf Objekte unterhalb des Radars zu richten. Also musikalische Objekte. Also der Radar des Massengeschmacks. Meine Güte, Sie wissen schon, was ich meine.

Diesmal beleuchten wir u.a. drei biografische Arbeiten: Damian Jurado beschäftigt sich musikalisch mit James Hoskins, The Hepburns erinnern an Desmond Douglas und die Band Terry widmet einen Song Jane Roe. Klingt alles sehr gut und hatten Sie eventuell bisher noch nicht zu hören bekommen.

Unter dem Radar war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 03.05.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 04.05. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 06.05. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

DeeperSubSub Pop
Arbor Labor UnionForevergreenSophomore Lounge
Susan JamesPoseidon's DaughterSunstone
Lavinia BlackwallThe Damage We Have DoneThe Barne Society
Pixy JonesThe FoolStrangetown Records
Sam HoffmanJacquelynSadder Day Records
Damien JuradoJames HoskinsMaraqopa
The HepburnsDesmond DouglasLavender Sweep
The HepburnsOn The ParcelsLavender Sweep
TerryJane RoeUpset The Rhythm
En Attendant AnaAda, Mary, DianeTrouble In Mind
FenceKing To The BlindFONS Records
Cory HansonTwinsDrag City
Admiral James T.I'm Not AloneDala Produkte
Novelty IslandTurn To MeNine X Nine / Think Like A Key
Jana HornSong for EveNo Quarter
Dana GavanskiMy ThoughtsFull Time Hobby
Spencer CullumWhat A Waste Of An EchoFull Time Hobby
Quiet IslandOverflowRed Brick Chapel
Giorgio TumaCreation Of My GhostsElefant Records
Maria De ValAs We Both Knew BeforeInselgruppe
The Bug ClubLittle Coy Space BoyWe Are Busy Bodies
The Bug ClubPure ParticlesWe Are Busy Bodies
Vanity MirrorDandelion WishWe Are Busy Bodies
Laurie StyversImagine That The Lights HaveHigh Moon Records
Stranger StillI, IcarusRiparian Media
Doug TuttleSomething in the SkyEchodelick Records
Lachlan DentonLucasBobo Integral
Slow LeavesAmerican BandMake My Day Records
DropkickUnwindHurrah! Musica / Sound Asleep
Tomorrow SyndicateInterphaseFeral Child

Prinzipiell gelassen

Wir leben doch in Zeiten der Lautsprecherei: Permanent drängen sich Meinungen, Hinweise und Verkaufsangebote aller Art in unser Blick- und Hörfeld. Kein Wunder, dass auch viele zeitgenössische Musikproduktionen Geltungsdrang und Aufgeregtheit verströmen. Hat natürlich alles seinen Platz – nur nicht in der heutigen Golden Glades-Ausgabe.

Wir haben uns abseits der Aufmerksamkeitsspiralen umgehört und ein paar Positionen zusammengetragen, die prinzipiell gelassen bleiben: Shannon Lay, Companion Songs, sowie John Andrews and The Yawns

Prinzipiell gelassen war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 19.04.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 20.04. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 22.04. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Ghost WomanArlineFull Time Hobby
Companion SongsTidesAkkerbouw Records
Alex PesterBig Black Second-Hand BookViolette Records
Ger EatonHome AgainDimple Discs
John Andrews and The YawnsChecks In The MailWoodsist
John Andrews and The YawnsFourth WallWoodsist
American SpringSweet MountainSee For Miles
7ebraI Like to PretendPNKSLM
Leo BlomovEffervescence programmŽeLabel Attitude
Boris MaurussaneRiverbankWeWant2Wecord
Pink FloydThe GnomeColumbia
Laurie StyversBeat The ReaperHigh Moon Records
BraakeIch muss jetzt nach HauseTapete
Henny HerzConstant Flowself-released
David BrewisKeeping Up With JessicaDaylight Saving Records
Part Time SignalsThe Man Bubblewrap Collective
TelemanThe Girls Who Came To StayMoshi Moshi
Special FriendBteSkep Wax / Howlin Banana
Sky Diving PenguinsI Don't Want, I Don't Careskydivingpenguins.bandcamp.com
Sky Diving PenguinsDepressed Or Boredskydivingpenguins.bandcamp.com
lorraine92new wonderlorraine92.bandcamp.com
Admiral James T.Long Gone FriendsDala Produkte
Dominique DroinThe Capricorn and the LibraSommor
Shannon LayI Lost Something in the Hills Sub Pop
Jana HornThe Way It WasNo Quarter
Sweet BabooGoodbyeAmazing Tapes From Canton
AtavinMountain VisionsJoyful Noise


So langsam wären wir bereit für beständig warme Temperaturen, für Frühlingsgefühle und die damit verbundene Hoffnung auf Neuartiges. Zumindest musikalisch wollen wir den Lenz heute begrüßen, mit frischen Singles von Talking to Turtles und Sunfruits – sowie mit ein paar erfreulichen Frühlingsalben.

Die in Liverpool ansässige Einmannband Novelty Island präsentiert mit «Wallsend Weekend Television» dieser Tage ihr zweites Langspielwerk. Kuriose Konzeptidee: Jedes Lied auf diesem Album soll wie ein eigenständiger TV-Kanal wirken. Dafür greift Tom McConnell neben den üblichen Sixties-Bezügen auch Stilmittel der 70er und 80er Jahre auf.

Besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmen wir auch «Keeping Alive», dem neuen Album von Doug Tuttle. Dieser bleibt seinem Erfolgsrezept treu, sorgt für feinen, so psychedelischen wie melancholischen Pop mit selbstgebauten, krokusfroh leuchtenden Effektgeräten.

Frühlingsförderung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 05.04.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 06.04. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 08.04. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Burning FernsThe Town CrierCountry Mile Records
Talking to TurtlesI'm A PretenderKrokant Musik
The Go BetweensSpring RainBeggars Banquet
SunfruitsEnd of the WorldThird Eye Stimuli
Novelty IslandOver and OverNine X Nine / Think Like A Key
Novelty IslandGoGoNine X Nine / Think Like A Key
TriptidesUnwoundCuration Records
Vanity MirrorTuesdays NewsWe Are Busy Bodies
Emitt RhodesPromises I've MadeDunhill Records
Henny HerzTrappedself-released
Spencer CullumCold Damp ValleyFull Time Hobby
Hollow HandIÕm Going To Let You Break My HeartCuration Records
Marc McLaughlinUnder the Sunmarcmclaughlin.bandcamp.com
John Andrews and The YawnsNever Go AwayWoodsist
The Lost DaysLong Before You KnowSpeakeasy Studios SF
The Lost DaysIn The StoreSpeakeasy Studios SF
Semi TrucksHalo GirlPrefect Records
Ben Reed & Miranda ReedIf I CouldGare Du Nord
Majority OneLooks Like RainGrapefruit
Cory HansonHouseflyDrag City
Doug TuttleA-Lo UrrasEchodelick Records
Doug TuttleMutineersEchodelick Records
Bar ItaliaNurse!Bar Italia / Matador
Hilma NikolaisenAha! Fysisk Format
Kate DavisMonster MashAnti- Records
Elephant PathDonÕt Know How to FeelStreet Mission Records
7ebraIf I Ask HerPNKSLM
Beauty PillNot so much a dearth of goodsÉbeautypill.bandcamp.com
Ulrika SpacekLounge AngstTough Love
Silver FirsHalf AwakeOh, Sister Records
The Happy SomethingsMore CoffeeSubjangle
First Day of SpringMoon Boyself-released
Bruno PernadasStep Out Of The LightPataca Discos

Abenteuer im Nischen-Segment

Wir müssen es zugeben: Auch in uns besonders lieben Musiknischen klingt Vieles ähnlich. Und wie sollte es auch anders sein, schließlich orientiert man sich an bestimmten Vorbildern und manövriert durch einen Kosmos mit eigenen Regeln. So entsteht Stil. Umso schöner, wenn sich inmitten der Genregesetze kleine (oder auch größere) Abenteuer abspielen, mit denen nicht unbedingt zu rechnen war. Für die heutige Sendung haben wir ein paar davon zusammengetragen, u.a. von En Attendant Ana, Benoit Pioulard & H. Hawkline.

Abenteuer im Nischen-Segment war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 22.03.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 23.03. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 25.03. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Laure BriardLady AdventurerThird Eye Stimuli
TomtenCaterpillar HillPlume
Fenne LilyDawncolored HorseDead Oceans
Ronnie LaneRoll on BabePhilips
Hollow HandOne Last SummerCuration Records
Brook TerraceAdventure Schoolbrookterrace.bandcamp.com
Gerard LoveIf I Could Tell You Glass Modern
wor_kspaceBluebell Glass Modern
Dutch UnclesExit RowMemphis Industries
Eyes of OthersNew Hair New MeHeavenly
Mozart EstateFlanca For Mr FlowersUltra-Vybe
Vincent DelermAvec JeanneT™t Ou Tard / VF Musiques
Benoit PioulardNamelessMorr Music
Benoit PioulardHalveMorr Music
HairbandUnconscious RivalsLost Map
The RodeoVallŽe De SiddimClaro Oscuro
En Attendant AnaSame Old StoryTrouble In Mind
En Attendant AnaThe CutoffTrouble In Mind
Vanishing TwinChoose Your Own AdventureSoundway
The CleanAnything Could HappenFlying Nun
Lachlan DentonYouBobo Integral
H. HawklineAthens At NightHeavenly
FilibusterScatterbrainFONS Rec / Gazer Tapes
Chime SchoolComing To Your TownSlumberland
MassageExistentialPrefect Records
Blue LupinSoakPrefect Records
ElephantYoungPizza Pizza Records
Andrew WasylykA ConfluenceClay Pipe Music
Ulrika SpacekThe Sheer DropTough Love
Sweet BabooThe GardenerMoshi Moshi

Auf hoher See

Papa Zettpunkt (links im Bild) heuerte mit 18 Jahren als Schiffsjunge an. Ab März 1956 ging es von Hamburg aus auf große Fahrt nach Kuba, Florida und Kanada. Für 48 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche bekam er monatlich 57 Deutsche Mark, dazu freie Kost und Logis – und erlebte unbezahlbare Abenteuer. So weit, so gut.

Das Thema Seefahrt hat auch musikalisch einiges zu bieten: Es werden Segel gesetzt, Meerjungfrauen besungen, Fischermärchen erzählt und der Kurs geht kreuz und quer über weiße Wellen und die Weiten des Ozeans. Mit an Bord dieser Sendung sind Swimming Tapes, Coastgaard und Marinero.

Auf hoher See war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 08.03.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 09.03. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 11.03. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Monster RallyFull Sailmonsterrally.bandcamp.com
Joe And BingSailRev-Ola
Da BrasiliansOceanUnderdog Records
The La'sLiberty ShipGo! Discs
LispectorSeabirdTeenage Menopause Records
OraThe Seagull and the SailorGrapefruit
Belle And SebastianEase Your Feet In The SeaJeepster
The HousemartinsThe Mighty ShipElektra Records
Mountain ManBoatBella Union
CoastgaardRat Islandcoastgaard.bandcamp.com
Lake Ruth A Captive Reaches the Sealakeruth.bandcamp.com
The Hepburns Mermaid (f/ Estella Rosa)Elefant
Danny de la MatyrWaterslidePretty Olivia
Chris CohenHeavy Weather SailingCaptured Tracks
The NotwistShipMorr Music
The Burning HellBird Queen Of Garbage IslandBB*Island
The BeaglesBe The CaptainDook Recordings
April ShowersAbandon ShipChrysalis
The ElephantsSeagullTapete
MarineroThrough the FogHardly Art
Samantha WhatesSailorsWonderfulsounds
The House of LoveFisherman's TaleCreation
FeltBlack Ship in the HarbourCherry Red
Bibi ClubLe soleil et la merSecret City Records
PapercutsWhite are the WavesGnonomsongs
Jim NoirDeep Blue ViewDook Recordings
Jose VandersMother Theresa Can't DiveHosay
Swimming TapesPassing ShipsHand In Hive
Adele & The ChandeliersSwimming With SharksPretty Olivia
SabinaSailor's DaughterNaim Edge
Nick FraterThat Ship Has SailedBig Stir


Eine gewisse Lässigkeit wirkt ja oft ansteckend. Das gilt nicht nur für Personen, sondern auch für Musik. In der heutigen Ausgabe präsentieren wir Songs, die sich erstmal entspannt in den Türrahmen lehnen, sodann beschwingten Schrittes die Chaiselongue ansteuern, um dort smarte Beiläufigkeiten von sich zu geben. Man sitzt zunehmend locker daneben und lässt sich unterhalten. Mit dabei: Girl Ray, King Tuff und Andy Shauf.

Lockerungsübung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 22.02.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 23.02. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 25.02. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Girl RayEverybody's Saying ThatMoshi Moshi
Lachlan DentonLoseBobo Integral
Symbol SoupOverdressedSad Club Records
Madison CunninghamIn From JapanVerve Forecast
Tobias Jesso Jr.Can We Still Be FriendsTrue Panther Sounds
King TuffHow I LoveSub Pop
King TuffPortrait Of GodSub Pop
Simon RoweSaturn Saw UsBig Potato Records
Juni HabelLittle TwirlBasin Rock
Companion SongsCarouselAkkerbouw Records
Fievel Is GlauqueThe TrickMATH Interactive
DownpilotBlack EyeTapete
Josephine OdhilSighUnexpected Records
Goodparley x ShreddiesSoundtrack for a Hummingbirdsuperpolar Ta•ps
Rolf BlumigFiderallalaStaatsakt
The ConvenienceDon't Play With MagicWinspear
Andy ShaufHalloween StoreAnti- Records
Another Sunny DayI'm in Love With a GirlÉSarah Records
The KitchenettesI'll Be TherePrefect Records
KiDDHang On To Your Cloudkidd.bandcamp.com
JazzateersDon't Worry About a ThingCherry Red
Yo La TengoFalloutMatador
KliffsDear JaneBackseat
H. HawklinePlastic ManHeavenly
DropkickTelephoneHurrah! Musica/Sound Asleep
Captain StarletFamily TreeSafe Suburban Home
Stephen BeckerCompanyNNA Tapes
Mary Elizabeth RemingtonFireLoose Music

Wider den Weltschmerz

Die Welt ist ein einziger Problemfall, und resignative Gefühlslagen wären auch unter Musikschaffenden mehr als verständlich. Für die heutige Ausgabe haben wir aber ein paar Positionen versammelt, die den Krisen ohne Trübsal begegnen: Die Songwriterin Fran thematisiert den Klimawandel, das internationale Kollektiv The Go! Team reagiert auf politische Missstände und das Art Pop-Duo Abracadabra bereitet sich auf den Untergang vor. Aber sie tun dies betont optimistisch, kämpferisch – und ganz nach dem Motto: Wider den Weltschmerz!

Wider den Weltschmerz war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 08.02.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 09.02. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 11.02. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Fantastic Mister ZguyDream Baby DreamerSPINNUP
Bonny DoonCrooked CreekAnti- Records
AbracadabraShapes & ColorsMelodic
FutoPublic ArtMarching Banana
FranPalm TreesFire Talk
Jana HornChanging LivesNo Quarter
Blew the VeilsBlushBlackford Hill
Laure BriardThe Smell Of Your HairThird Eye Stimuli
Franoise HardyMon Amie La RoseG Records
Lazy SmokeSarah SaturdayArf! Arf!
Mt. MiserySunday SongPrefect Records
The Go! TeamBut We Keep On TryingMemphis Industries
The Go! TeamDivebombMemphis Industries
Ghost WomanAnne, IfFull Time Hobby
Soft on CrimeConditioned ReactionEats It Records
AlvvaysTom VerlaineTransgressive Records
Spice WorldFriend of MineMeritorio
Josephine OdhilLoose EndsUnexpected Records
Mozart EstateRelative PovertyUltra-Vybe
David BrewisSurface NoiseMemphis Industries
SlugCasual CrueltyDaylight Saving Records
Beauty PillThe Mule on the Plane Ernest Jenning
Beauty PillSuch Large Portions! Ernest Jenning
Whitney's PlaylandSunset Sea BreezeMeritorio / Paisley Shirt
The Golden RailFloat like a FeatherCheersquad Records & Tapes
Chris BellBetter Save Yourself Rhino
By The SeaHarry and StevieDell'Orso Records
Bill Ryder-JonesDanielDomino
Brook TerraceSame Differencebrookterrace.bandcamp.com
The Musical ChairsSomething to Feel Good AboutRequested Records
The ConvenienceDon't Play With MagicWinspear
Travis BretzerToo FastHuman Nature Records
Shirley HurtCharioteerTelephone Explosion

The Jangling Man

Martin Newell zählt zu den Pionieren der DIY- und Kassettenkultur. Er ist nicht nur ein begnadeter Songwriter, sondern auch Dichter und Gärtner. Mit seiner britischen pop sensibility hätte er eigentlich das Zeug dazu gehabt, ganz groß raus zu kommen – als Kopf der Cleaners From Venus oder mit einem anderen seiner zahlreichen Projekte.

Dass es doch anders kam, davon handelt das intime Filmporträt «The Jangling Man» (2022). Regisseur James Sharp besuchte den exzentrischen Künstler zuhause in Essex und ließ verschiedene Wegbegleiter:innen zu Wort kommen. Grund genug für Sandra Zettpunkt, das außergewöhnliche Schaffen dieses bald 70jährigen Künstlers ausführlicher vorzustellen.

The Jangling Man war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 25.01.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 26.01. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 28.01. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Martin NewellThe Jangling ManHumbug
Shirley HurtEmpty HandsTelephone Explosion
BarrieDoesn't Really MatterWinspear
The No OnesSong For GeorgeYep Roc
The HepburnsWho Caresthehepburns.bandcamp.com
The Musical ChairsThink About It Some Other WayRequested Records
The Cleaners from VenusShe's Checking You OutTangerine Records
The Cleaners From VenusA Man For Our TimeCaptured Tracks
Martin NewellTribute to the Greatest Living EnglishmanHumbug
XTCDear GodApe House Records
Martin NewellBefore The HurricaneHumbug
The Brotherhood of LizardsClockwork TrainCaptured Tracks
The Cleaners From VenusImaginary WestMr. Mule
Rozi PlainComplicatedMemphis Industries
Avey TareThe MusicalDomino / Good To Go
Brook TerraceDoors Openingbrookterrace.bandcamp.com
Gruff RhysAmenRough Trade
Ricky LewisBittersweet ReliefStreet Mission Records
Stephen BeckerDisappearing HandNNA Tapes
Stephen BeckerUnspokenNNA Tapes
Death and VanillaLooking Glass Fire Records
Sweet BabooHorticultureAmazing Tapes From Canton
Euros ChildsChildren Of The TombNational Elf
Papernut CambridgeEnd of the DownsGare Du Nord
Boa MorteHard To KnowGare Du Nord
Siv JakobsenSmallThe Nordic Mellow
Niels HendrixGedaanFONS Records
Robert ForsterIt's Only PoisonTapete
MarlodyWordsSkep Wax
FonteynThings to Make You Feel BetterBorn Losers Records

Best Of 2022

Although the new year is already in full swing, it’s always worth taking a look back. Here are some of my favourite albums released in 2022:

Michael Rault: Michael Rault

A warm and sonic depth runs through this self-titled album by Michael Rault. The songwriting of Harry Nilsson springs to mind, Emitt Rhodes or even Stevie Wonder. Amidst the lush harmonies and spacious analogue sound, you could almost get the idea that this is a lost work from the 70s that only recently has been rediscovered. But no: Michael Rault releases music since 2008. His present work is the second for Wick Records, which in turn are associated with Daptone. And shows a very mature and passionate songwriting. The sensitive quality is surely also related to the fact that many things changed in Michael Rault’s life: he left his partner, his manager and his backing band, moved from Montreal to Los Angeles and recorded some of the songs in his bedroom. But for the big production, for the smooth string and wind arrangements, there was plenty of help from his circle of friends and rounds off this historically well-inspired piece of classic pop just perfectly.

Apollo Ghosts: Pink Tiger

In their native Canada, Apollo Ghosts are already known and appreciated. The band was formed in 2009 around songwriter Adrian Teacher and drummer Amanda Panda. Most recently, they released an album with ambient tracks as well as a collection of local cover songs, whereby only artists from Vancouver were re-scored by Apollo Ghosts. And now, titled Pink Tiger, there is a regular studio work that deserves special attention: Pink Tiger by Apollo Ghosts was created over the last three years: 22 songs, divided into two chapters: Pink features the acoustic version of the band. It shows a smooth and clever songwriting, in which Teacher undergoes a self-analysis. During the recordings he had the feeling that everything was falling apart: his father was dying and he also lost part of his hearing. The second chapter – Tiger – was recorded a year later and celebrates the endurance of friendship, music and hope. Garnished with strumming guitars, the three piece presents some good old energetic indie rock. So this double-album shows two different sides of one and the same band. And the good thing is: both are absolutely entertaining from beginning to end.

Papercuts: Past Life Regression

Music that refers to the baroque pop of the 60s is still occasionally produced today. For example, by Jason Quever and his project Papercuts. Past Life Regression, his eighth album, sounds very organic and you can hear that the man behind Papercuts not only writes songs but also works as a producer for others: Sugar Candy Mountain, Cass MacCombs or Beach House –  they all have placed themselves in his trusting hands. When Quever himself plays music as Papercuts, his songs often have a melancholic touch and the vintage-heavy sound palette plays well into his hands.

Partner Look: By The Book

When two people wear the same or a very similar outfit, one often speaks of a partner look. I didn’t realise until now that this term is only common in German-speaking countries and tends to cause confusion elsewhere. But that’s exactly why a band from Melbourne has named itself after this pseudoanglizism. The quartet Partner Look consists of the German-born sisters Ambrin and Anila Hasnain and their partners Dainis Lacey and Lachlen Denton. All four musicians are also involved in other music projects: Cool Sounds, The Ocean Party and Studio Magic and also move in related pop terrain. They play through their debut very nonchalantly: By the Book by Partner Look is an album that offers very good entertainment in its casual, charming way.

Dana Gavanski: When It Comes

Dana Gavanski and her music have been on my radar from the very beginning. I’ve watched her songwriting evolve from humble, soulful folk to a more daring art-pop direction. On her second album, When It Comes, the Serbian-Canadian songwriter is coming a step closer to the wondrous sound world of Robert Wyatt. She has a very playful and honest style, and like Wyatt, it’s the fragile voice that really carries you away. Hard to believe, but it wasn’t long ago that Gavanski lost her voice due to illness. Thankfully, she’s back again and in great shape and has delivered this wonderful, timeless yet beautifully idiosyncratic album that sadly far too few people know about. Also check out the live report from last year’s Reeperbahn Festival. It was a very special event!

Way Dynamic: So Familiar

There are always cultural hotspots, places where a lot of talented musicians gather at one time and create something special: an exceptional sound that stands for a certain time and a certain place. One such hotspot at the moment is clearly Melbourne in Australia. Good projects are springing up like mushrooms and everything is somehow connected. Way Dynamic is the name of the project of the Australian Dylan Young. Young, who was just touring as a drummer with Emma Russack & Lachlan Denton as well as Snowy Band. He played two gigs each evening and now presents his ambitious solo project: Way Dynamic. On his stunning debut So Familiar, Young shows a knack for putting together familiar retro sounds in a new way. The sound of the American West Coast and the early 70ties shimmers through, yet it is not simply copied. Once again, I’m amazed at how a single person manages to replace an entire band so effortlessly.

No Frills: Downward Dog

Downward Dog is the fabulous debut of the Canadian band No Frills. In their own words, this is a collection of DIY pop hits with serious themes such as depression, despair, life and death. But most of all, this band wants to have fun! And that is noticeable all along the record: No Frills from Toronto moves quite nonchalantly through the songs. Also the recording process was exceptional. For example, the singer wore a hygiene mask and sang through a toilet paper roll attached to the microphone. Just to capture the right sound for his voice. This pretty much sums up the album – lots of ideas floating around to discover!

Pete Astor: Time On Earth

Pete Astor and his bands The Loft and The Weather Prophets are among the best Creation Records had to offer in the 80s. And British songwriter is still a very good storyteller: Time On Earth is the name of his new album, and as on its predecessor One For The Ghost, the theme of „life after death“ plays a central role. Pete Astor shows himself reflective and personal, and he knows exactly what he is singing about. Dealing with death can be a cheerful and comforting thing when you think of dear friends who have recently passed away and are sorely missed. Life goes on while Pete Astor created one of his most beautiful albums.

Start Over

Es geht wieder los. Start Over lautet das Motto dieser Ausgabe, denn es ist die erste im Jahr 2023. Zugleich heißt auch die tolle neue Single von David Brewis so. Mit seinem Bruder betreibt Brewis üblicherweise die Band Field Music. Nun haben sie gemeinsam das Label Daylight Saving Records gegründet, wo im Februar das Solo-Debüt «The Soft Struggles» erscheinen wird. Starten wir also mit dem Vorab-Song «Start Over» und schauen dann, wohin es uns in diesem Jahr noch führt.

Start Over war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 11.01.23 – 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Wdh.: Donnerstag, 12.01. von 7:00-9:00 Uhr und Samstag, 14.01. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Hamburg UKW: 91,7 & 104,0 MHz & DAB+
Berlin DAB+: Kanal 7B

Niall SummertonDustyself-released
David BrewisStart OverDaylight Saving Records
Rachel GoodrichI Can't Rememberrachelgoodrich.bandcamp.com
Lawrence ArabiaThe Developed Worldlawrencearabia.bandcamp.com
Marmalade MountainComplicated ManMagic Nothing
Marmalade MountainBad NewsMagic Nothing
Model ShopI Was Told This Would Be EasyMeritorio
Cornelia MurrAll SoulsFull Time Hobby
Anna MiekeTwinNettwerk
Amber ArcadesOdd To EvenFire Records
TH Da FreakCoyoteHowlin' Banana Rec
Scott RobertsonThe Death of Daylight SavingSubjangle
Stephen BaileyBar KrautThird Eye Stimuli
Ghost WomanThe End of a GunFull Time Hobby
Lake Ruth f/ Listening CenterLaw And DisorderKUS
Hollow HandHeaven Just WatchedCuration Records
AstrachanGreener Back ThenAstrachan Music
Andy ShaufCatch Your EyeANTI Records
The LesliesCassandraPig Parade Records
SkytoneDon't Look Backskytone1.bandcamp.com
Friends AgainState of Art (rmx)Cherry Red
Angela AuxStart a FireInselgruppe
Christine FellowsGhost ParticleVivat Virtute
Christine FellowsSWAGVivat Virtute
MunicipalityLet It GoHuman Sounds
The Slow SummitsBudge Too Good To be True
GaloreLaddersPaisley Shirt/Safe Suburban Home
Decisive PinkHaffmilch HolidayFire Records
Mila WebbLucky NightsPerpetual Doom
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