
Thinking about Chicago, the jazz-inspired post-rock scene pops into my mind. Experimental-folk, alt-country and avant-rock delivered by inspiring labels like Touch and Go, Thrill Jockey or Drag City. It goes without question that the city gave a home to burgeoning genres and outstanding talents throughout decades. Nevertheless, I was slightly surprised to hear the band Clearance also hails from Chicago.

The quartet has been around since 2013, but I just discovered them with their sophomore record At Your Leisure (out on Topshelf Records). And this album instantly got me. It sounds to me like a good friend from the 90ties, a comrade I’ve missed far to long. But at first, I wasn’t quite sure where this friend was actually coming from.

That’s because Clearance have a lot of familiarity and expertise to offer: there’s the slacker attitude of Pavement in songs like Destination Wedding or Gallery Glare. Jangly moments taking you back to bright guitar-pop made in Britain. But then again slightly dissonant and complex sounds referring to Sonic Youth. Furthermore, there’s is a good feel of Kiwi-pop in the mix: strumming guitars with breezy tunes full of earworms.

It’s all thrillingly unpredictable what Clearance have to offer and it all sounds pretty organic and easy. And now writing this down, it makes perfectly sense this band is located in Chicago. This place has always been one of the best for innovative and reflective musicians and a good breeding ground for freewheeling indie rock bands – just like Clearance!

22nd October 2018


Wir leben in einer Gratiskultur. Es gibt viele Gründe, weshalb sich Labels oder Musikschaffende dazu entschließen, Songs gratis ins Netz zu stellen. So verstehen manche Plattenfirmen ihre Sampler mit hauseigenen Künstlern als Schnupper-Download: potenzielle Fans sollen belohnt oder geködert werden. Dagegen verschenken zahlreiche Feierabendmusiker ihre Stücke, weil sich mit ihnen eh kaum noch Geld verdienen lässt. Zudem brauchen Home-Recorder keine Studiokosten einzuspielen. Für die meisten Musikschaffenden ist es schlicht wichtig, dass ihre Songs gehört werden – und mit etwas Glück landen sie vielleicht sogar in der Playlist eines Streamingdienstes oder einer Vorabendserie.

Golden Glades widmet sich heute frei erhältlicher Musik, u.a. von Gretchen’s Wheel, dem schottischen Indiefolk von State Broadcasters und französischen Outsider-Pop von Midget.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 10.10.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz

Max GowanTime Waits
Cabin EssenceInto The
BARBHavin a
RocketshipWhat's The Use of Books?
Sir QuiltLove Her
Hong Kong In The 60sOut In The
Ed LingVelocity
Roman LakesThe ColdBleeding Gold
Josh RouseWomen and the
Minta & The Brook TroutFuture
Simen MitlidThis
The FishermanFree
Robyn GibsonQueen Of EyesFutureman Records
State BroadcastersBreak My
DinersFifteen On A
Monster RallySunny
Lost ShipsBest Laid
Bear DriverColours
Midget!Au ciel
Antoine LeonpaulChambre
The Greek TheatreJust a Little Drop of
The Rotten MangosMoose
The FinksGood
Dominique LeoneDomestic
The Loch Ness
Goodbye MaxThe Rest Is A
Suko PyramidRat Guts And Pork

Reeperbahn Festival 2018

Reeperbahn Festival 2018

The Reeperbahn Festival in my hometown Hamburg is always a spectacular event. Drifting along the Kiez of St. Pauli, checking out various live acts in different venues and meeting lots of wonderful people like my dear colleague and friend Alice Peters-Burns (Kaleidoskop/Offbeat) is simply hard to beat. Although it’s not always easy to take a decision on what to do as the four festival days are more than packed: music-related events in the fields of photo exhibitions, literature and films compete with networking events, meetings, award ceremonies, parties and numerous concerts around the Reeperbahn. Of course, I set a focus on seeing live shows. So, here’s a short summary of what I like to share with you.

Anna Burch

Detroit based singer-songwriter Anna Burch played in a venue next to my beloved radio station ByteFM and surprisingly she changed her bob hair into a simple short cut. With this new look she could’ve easily been mistaken for Greta Kline of Frankie Cosmos. Only Anna Burch has a different, rather cool charisma. Besides that, she presented her upbeat dreamy slacker-pop with the elegant upright posture of a dancer and did a good job. Everyone seemed happy when the minor hit-single Tea-Soaked Letter resounded by the end of the show.

Halo Maud

Halo Maud live Reeperbahn Festival 2018 Angies's Night Club HamburgAlors mes amis, the music scene of France got some extra attention during this year’s Reeperbahn Festival with exceptional talents like Halo Maud from Paris. Her debut album Je Suis Une Île is a hazy mixture of proggy French pop and psychedelic. It really makes no difference whether Maud Nadal sings in her native tongue French or switches to English. She clearly found a voice of her own and developed a memorable style. Seeing the band live as a four piece, it was more than easy to get into it. The rhythmic power drew you into the songs while the performance created a pleasantly seamless sound experience. Fact is, the dynamic of a show slows down and people’s attention quickly drift off due to re-tuning or change of equipment, but not here: Halo Maud have put some good thoughts into their live set and kept the energy flowing from start to finish.

Okkervil River

Some other extraordinary venues were added this year to the thirteenth edition of the Reeperbahn Festival, beautiful locations with pretty difficult sound qualities: The show of Okkervil River was set up in Hamburg’s largest main church, the Michel. Up to 2500 listeners fit into this place and the reverb of this huge building is just as overwhelming. Therefore simply too much for electrified music! The band tried to adjust and played a stripped-down version of their songs – nevertheless the sound was awfully blurry. Only when frontman Will Sheff wandered amidst the community, singing unplugged to his battered looking acoustic guitar, my ears were delighted.

Michael Nau & The Mighty Thread

I also expected Michaul Nau to play a cosy acoustic set, as his late-night performance was due in the St. Pauli church – but he and his backing band The Mighty Thread played a pretty solid and straightforward show. Compared to the famous Michel, this neighbourhood church is a modest building. Luckily the reverb here was not as harsh and suited well to the rolling organic vibe of Michael Nau. With his crazy hair and reddish full beard, the songwriter from Maryland had the looks of a classical Russian author of the 19th century. But he’s a contemporary master of profound laidback songs. Not sure if the seated situation worked best that night for Michael Nau & The Mighty Thread, but for me it was ideal sitting down at the end of a long festival day and quietly tapping my foot along to the soulful, meandering melodies.

Liza Anne

Liza Anne live review Reeperbahn Festival 2018 @ PrinzenbarAnother good thing about the Reeperbahn Festival: it works without headliners. Only a special guest was shortly revealed on Friday – the British rock band Muse. While they played music for the masses, the real pleasant surprise happened next door at the Prinzenbar. In this dimly lit, tiny little room in Baroque-style I witnessed Liza Anne, a songwriter from Nashville TN. She got on stage with a pink overall and a red beret. Her three band mates all had work clothes in red. And yes indeed, they were hard workers: they played a tight show with a great energy and really nailed it. I walked home thinking that the future of indie rock is definitely female fronted.

Generally, with up to 600 shows in the mix, there’s a lot to see, but also much to miss out. However, it’s a small comfort knowing the Reeperbahn Festival will be back in 2019. Then, the musical focus is set on Australia – another thing looking forward to!

28th September 2018

Qualität aus Leidenschaft

Unser heutiger Leitsatz möchte mit Stolz behaupten, dass die Qualität einer Sache in der Leidenschaft zu finden ist, mit der sie ausgeübt wird. Exemplarisch dafür haben wir das Hamburger Boutique-Label Marina Records im Programm, das seinen 25. Geburtstag mit einer geschmackvollen Songsammlung feiert.

Außerdem im Fokus: Das australische Trio The Goon Sax, dazu neue Hoffnungsträger in Sachen Bedroom-Pop, die Einmannprojekte Henry Nowhere und Aaberg.

Diese Sendung ist zu hören am Mittwoch, den 26.09.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.
Wdh.: Samstag, 29.09. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr & Montag, 01.10. von 08:00-10:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


MirahHot HotK Records
TelemanSong For A SeagullMoshi Moshi
PlayactingAt Some
Songs For WalterThe Battle Of Bexley
Nathan BowlesNow If You RememberParadise of Bachelors
Stephen SteinbrinkBad LoveMelodic
Sarah CracknellMiles ApartMarina Records
The Pale FishersSouthbound ExcursionMarina Records
The Aluminum GroupStar WishMarina Records
Andy PawlakSunshine GirlMarina Records
TomberlinSelf-HelpSaddle Creek
Gia MargaretFiguresOrindal Music
The Goon SaxWe Can't WinWichita
The Goon SaxLove LostWichita
Sugar Candy MountainHappeningPIAPTK Recordings
Princess ChelseaThe Pretty OnesLil' Chief Records
Darvid ThorDo It
Henry NowhereGood ThingSleep Well Records
Henry NowhereNot Going BackSleep Well Records
Anthony RochesterParasep DiscothequeJigsaw
Cozy SlippersBack And ForthJigsaw
Lake Ruth & Listening CenterTo
Sam TudorNew
Tony MolinaGive He Take YouSlumberland
Tony MolinaWront TownSlumberland
Free Cake For Every CreatureTom Or Mike Or Pat OrDouble Double Whammy
Hello SharkDannyOrindal Music
Lachlan DentonDrinkingBobo Integral
Eric BachmannNo RecoverMerge
Mutual BenefitCome To PassTransgressive Records
Julia HolterI Shall Love 2Domino

Reeperbahn Festival Expanded

Wer zeitgenössischer Unterhaltungsmusik zugeneigt ist, bekommt beim anstehenden Reeperbahn Festival so viel geboten, dass die Orientierung schwer fällt. Sandra Zettpunkt hat die Lage (Länderschwerpunkt Frankreich!) vorweg sondiert und gibt Tipps zwischen Kaschemme und Kirche.

Abseits davon das Golden Glades-Tagesgeschäft – neue Veröffentlichungen aus aller Welt: Agit-Pop Veteran Ian Svenonius meldet sich zurück als Escape-ism, extrem reduziert und versponnen. Der scheue Songwriter Tony Molina liefert schillernde Popminiaturen im Westküstenstil der 60ties. Außerdem gibt es experimentelle und elektroakustische Klänge von Tunng & Pram.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 12.10.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.
Wdh.: Samstag, 15.09. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr & Montag, 17.09. von 08:00-10:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


Iron & WineLast of Your Rock 'n' Roll HeroesSub Pop
Trip WireAct
Okay MondayReady For Love62TV
Anna BurchIn Your DreamsHeavenly
Soccer MommyBloody
Michael NauCan't Take OneFull Time Hobby
The Babe RainbowSupermoon30th Century Records
Men I TrustI Hope To Be
SageUs AgainSony France
Melissa LaveauxTolalitoNo Format
Bad SoundsWagesInsanity Records
Darwin DeezSay It FirstLucky Number
The ChillsLord Of All I SurveyFire Records
Tony MolinaNothing I Can SaySlumberland
Tony MolinaJasper's ThemeSlumberland
Good MorningFor a Little WhileBedroom Suck Records
John SouthworthHuman CryTin Angel Records
Steady HolidayNobody's WatchingBarsuk
MUNYAHotel DelmanoLuminelle Recordings
Honey BucketArt Of LivingSee My Friends
Escape-ismNothing PersonalMerge
Anna HillburgLet It
Patrick Siegfried ZimmerSilhouettePSZ Recordings
Our GirlLevelCannibal Hymns
Bill Ryder-JonesMitherDomino
EERAChristineBig Dada
MitskiOld FriendDead Oceans
TunngCrowFull Time Hobby
Alexander TuckerSisters And MeThrill Jockey
TomberlinSeventeenSaddle Creek

The Power Of Pop

Gute Popmusik hat zahlreiche Stärken: mal ist es eine dynamische Hookline, die uns mitnimmt, dann die Verletzlichkeit eines Gesangs, welche uns beim Hören aufhorchen lässt. Dies gilt auch und in besonderer Weise für das Subgenre Power-Pop, das gemeinhin melodienreiche, dreieinhalb Minuten lange Uptempo-Nummern bezeichnet.

In der heutigen Ausgabe von Golden Glades liegt der Fokus auf solch lebensbejahenden Songs glorreicher Bands: Teenage Fanclub haben ihre alten Klassiker neu überarbeiten lassen, Shy Boys präsentieren ein sensationelles zweites Album und das Damen-Duo Ohmme zeigt auf seinem Debüt eine so enorme Musikalität und Spannbreite, dass einem die Ohren schlackern.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 29.08.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


The BethsHappy UnhappyCarpark
The MolochsI Wanna Say To YouInnovative Leisure
Roger Nichols & Small Circle Of FriendsDon't Take Your TimeTapete
The OpheliasGeneral ElectricJoyful Noise
Stephen SteinbrinkI Don't Know How To Deal With ItMelodic
Shy BoysEvil SinPolyvinyl
Shy BoysTragic LossPolyvinyl
The SpiresStereo ImagesFop Music
Dot DashWorld's Last PayphoneBeautiful Music
The CondorsMatter of FactBig Stir
The ArmoiresFort AshbyBig Stir
Davey Woodward & Winter OrphansBuild A BoatTapete
SummeroomsSummerooms Pop
Michael RaultOh, Clever BoyWick Records
ShadowgraphsHit of the TruthGolden Brown
Teenage FanclubAlcoholidaySony
Teenage FanclubDiscoliteSony
Teenage FanclubStart AgainSony
Grand PrixNada En Este MundoRock Indiana
The Love-BirdsWeak RiffTrouble In Mind
Gretchen's WheelPlansFutureman Records
Gretchen's WheelLucidFutureman Records
OvlovBaby AlligatorExploding in Sound
The Lemon TwigsSmall Victories4AD
Sam EvianIDGAFSaddle Creek
Free Cake For Every CreatureAround YouDouble Double Whammy
OhmmeIconJoyful Noise
OhmmeLiquor CabinetJoyful Noise
PoppelHow Many DaysMeritorio Records
Regular SpreadPipe

Shy Boys

Shy Boys Album Review Bell House (2018)

Oh well, I’ve been caught up by too many things and completely neglected my blog – sorry for that! It’s not dead yet. All I needed was a good reason for getting back into the writing business again and here it is, thanks to Shy Boys and their outstanding new album Bell House.


My colleagues at ByteFM already described its brilliance in a top-notch review in German. But I have to express my own excitement about this record here for you and for the music geek in all of us. So here we go: Shy Boys are a quintet from Kansas City and I know there are some very fine bands hailing from this area like The ACBs or Ghosty and also The Coctails were once founded at the Kansas City Art Institute before moving to Chicago.

And now we have Shy Boys, five guys singing sweet little, affirmative songs in perfect harmonies and I’m not at all surprised to see, that two bandmembers also play with The ACBs: there’s a similar feel to it in terms of sound and shape. But here on their second album, Shy Boys are taking the notorious indie-pop to a higher level and created nothing but a little masterpiece. It’s all good, from start to finish filled with musically nimble songs.

Of course, it’s easy to pin down some glorious influences: The Beach Boys moments, the sense of harmonic structures from singing in the church – but all this put together in a very gentle, upright and beautiful intimate way – it’s simply hard not to fall for this. While lead songwriter Collin Rausch sings about childhood memories and reflects on mundane things in life, the band creates an atmosphere of creativity and faithfulness, all in the sake of the unspoiled pop experience. I’d say you can hear there’s a quality in all this which only evolves over time when there’s a special connection between all band members. And indeed: Shy Boys is the product of five best friends (two of them brothers) who manage to combine all the soul-feeding harmonies and strong songwriting with an almost natural, effortless touch. It’s a very special thing, please check it out!

23th August 2018

Von A bis Z

Auf den ersten Blick business as usual: neue Songs und Alben, u.a. von Cat Power, Teleman und Klaus Johann Grobe. Doch die heutige Golden Glades-Ausgabe gehorcht einem übergeordneten Prinzip, denn die Playlist ist alphabetisch sortiert – und ergibt (trotzdem) von A bis Z eine erstaunliche stimmige Dramaturgie. Klarer Fall von Buchstabenmagie.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 15.08.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


The Jackson 5ABCMotown
Astronauts, Etc.The BorderCompany Records
Bad Bad HatsGirlAfternoon
Caoilfhionn RoseAwakenGondwana Records
Cat PowerWandererDomino
Dot DashGray Blue GreenBeautiful Music
Essex Green, TheCatatonicMerge
FröstRecord Still SpinningLost Room Records
GulpClaudiaE.L.K. Records
Howlong WolfCommon EvilDala Produkte
Innocence Mission, TheGreen BusBella Union
Jerry PaperGrey AreaStones Throw
Klaus Johann GrobeDiscogedankenTrouble In Mind Records
Kevin KrauterWho Do You KnowBayonet
LulucGeniusSub Pop
MitskiMe And My HusbandDead Oceans
Michael NauOn IceFull Time Hobby
NightlandsLost MoonWestern Vinyl
Optiganally YoursHope in Your EyesJoyful Noise
Our GirlIn My HeadCannibal Hymns
Phantastic FernitureBad TimingTransgressive Records
Quantum KeysI Can Talk With My
Richard In Your MindAll I Can DoRice Is Nice
Secret AmericanI Wanna Knowself-released
TelemanCactusMoshi Moshi
Tiny RuinsHow MuchMarathon Artists
Vinyl WilliamsLansingRequiem Pour Un Twister
Watoo WatooModern ExpressJigsaw
XTCEarn Enough for UsVirgin
Young ScumDirtPretty Olivia
Zach SchimpfThere's Not Enough Time in a

Nah und Fern

Früher war klar: Dies ist der Sound von Detroit, Hamburg oder Manchester. In Zeiten globalisierter Filekultur aber ist popmusikalisches Spezialistentum allerorts Zuhause. Dazu gesellen sich Retrophänomene, die neben der räumlichen auch die zeitliche Zuordnung erschweren. Golden Glades widmet sich heute zerfließenden Geografien und verschobenen Zeitzeichen – Sounds, die zugleich nah und fern klingen.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 01.08.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.
Wdh.: Samstag, 04.08. von 15:00-17:00 Uhr & Montag, 06.08. von 08:00-10:00 Uhr

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


HaterIt's So EasyFire Records
BlodSocial KannibalLouvaio Productions
Earth DadWalterZ Tapes
Jonathan BreeSay You Love Me TooLil' Chief Records
The OpheliasFogJoyful Noise
The MysteronsSold My MedicineExcelsior Recordings
Michael RaultNew Day TonightWick Records
The Essex GreenIn the Key of MeMerge
Kadhja BonetJoyFat Possum
We Are MuffyCivil ServiceTapete
SUPER 8Be Careful What You SayFutureman Records
LemuriaWanted to Be YoursBig Scary Monsters
Love Good FailNice To Meet YouSeayou Records
Friedrich SunlightNachtbus nach WienTapete
UsselmanParaffinBlow Up Records
PoppelConceived IdeasMeritorio Records
Trust FundCarson
Icy DemonsWorms Are
Watoo WatooAu Fond Des
PAUI Feel Differentself-released
Boy AzoogaFace Behind Her CigaretteHeavenly
William OnyeaborBetter Change Your MindLuaka Bop
Gabriella CohenMusic MachineCaptured Tracks
Samara LubelskiMark the SpotDrawing Room Records
SobsAll PoisonMiddle Class Cigar
Jenn ChampionHustleHardly Art
Ari RoarWindowsillBella Union
Juan SolorzanoShould've Been YouJuan Solorzano/Tone Tree Music
Spirit FestAnohito (Till The Gate)Morr Music


Wenn Geschwister musikalisch gemeinsame Sache machen, wird es schnell kompliziert – immerhin ist der kleine Bruder oder auch die große Schwester der erste Feind des Lebens. Die Konkurrenz ist der Geschwister-Musik oft anzuhören – aber natürlich auch die geteilte musikalische DNA und oft sogar eine ähnliche Stimmfärbung. Von den Beach Boys bis hin zu Field Music wird uns all dies heute noch einmal in Klang und Kommentar verdeutlicht.

Diese Sendung war zu hören am Mittwoch, den 18.07.18 – 20:00-22:00 Uhr.

Stream online here: ByteFM
Berlin: 91.0 MHz // Hamburg: 91.7 MHz


The KinksDo You Remember WalterSanctuary
SparksThis Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of UsIsland
Summer TwinsAnother
The CarpentersHurting Each OtherA&M Records
Lal & Mike WatersonBright PhoebusDomino
Rolling Blackouts CFCappuccino CitySub Pop
The OriellesLet Your Dog Tooth GrowHeavenly
Joan Of ArcCalibanJade Tree
The Beach BoysVegetablesCapitol
Hey AnnaGarage
The BreedersWait In The Car4AD
The CloudsGet Out Of My DreamSubway Organization
Fantastic SomethingIf She Doesn't SmileCherry Red
Buffalo KillersEastern TigerAlive
First Aid KitFireworksColumbia
RayneNever Going, Always GoneShadoks Music
Boards Of CanadaRoygbivWarp
The Lemon TwigsBaby, Baby4AD
Busman's HolidayUnknowingJoyful Noise
The Philistines Jr.(Set List Title: Cableguy)Tarquin
Os MutantesPanis et circensesUniversal
CaStLeSTynnu Tuag At Y
MunicipalitySunday AgainHuman Sounds
Tied & Tickled TrioMonolithDomino
Jesus and Mary ChainHappy When It RainsWarner
The CleanAnything Could HappenFlying Nun
The RobbsCynthia LovesMercury
The Lilac TimePrussian BlueTapete
Field MusicChecking On A MessageMemphis Industries
S K Y T O N EBright and Better DaysBeautiful Music
LOVINGThe not real
Blonde RedheadWhere Your Mind Wants To GoPonderosa Music Records
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